Elysium RP Wiki

Lycans are a second breed of Werewolves created in the Darkness War, descended from Will Corvis's Werewolf bloodline. Lycans are way diffrent then Werewolfs,because Lycans have elf features and only transform when very Mad or Annoyed. Lycans Love having Pets Near them to cheer them on or to help them Fight in Battle. Lycans have Black Wings,they hide them under there Cloaks or Fur. When there in human form sometimes they come out randomly. The More Black Wings you have the more of a better fighter and the Wings repersent there Rank in the pack or there skilled fighting skills. They have sharp claws/nails in human Form and they still have the Imitating Wolf Eyes staring in to your soul. No one knows how they have wings,some say they have some bird bloodline in them aswell,while others say they don't even have wings.


Lycan Human Form


Lycan Wolf Form
